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Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var adenostylosum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var fargesii


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var fargesii 'Barto Rose'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: James Delbert W. , Eugene, Oregon , USA, 1962

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var fargesii 'Rudy Berg'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var oreodoxa


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var oreodoxa 'Budget Farthing'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. oreodoxa var shensiense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. platypodum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. praevernum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. qiaojiaense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. serotinum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. sutchuenense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. sutchuenense 'Seventh Heaven'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1978

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. vernicosum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. vernicosum 'Kulu'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Gable, J.B. , Stewartstown, Pennsylvania , USA, 1958

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. vernicosum 'Loch Eck'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1964

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. vernicosum 'Sidlaw'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Magor, E.J.P. , Lamellan, St. Tudy, Cornwall , England, 1969

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. vernicosum 'Spring Sonnet'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1976

Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. verruciferum


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. wologense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. xiaoxidongense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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R. yuefengense


Subgenus: Hymenanthes
Section: Pontica
Subsection: Fortunea

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