I'm John Verwolf, and I live on Vancouver Island, Canada. I built this site for the enjoyment and utility of the community. I hope you like it!

I will build a mechanism on this website to enable others to submit pictures, new entries, and corrections. This will become the primary means of adding data to this website.
My current focus is 100% on programming and developing the system - this is where my time is most needed at this stage of the project.
There is outdated and occasionally incorrect info on the site; if you notice something wrong in the data please make note of the specific problem including the URL and the specific correction. When I've built a system for public input, I'll please ask you to submit the correction at that point.
If you notice something about the features or the display of information, that is wrong, missing, could be improved, etc. - well that's the type of work I'm currently engaged in, so I'd love to hear from you! Please check the todo list first to see if it's already specifically mentioned, and if it's not, I'd be happy to hear your ideas!
If you enjoy this website, it would mean a lot to hear from you! I can be reached at the following email:
(Please prefix your email title with "Rhododendra: " so that I don't miss it.)