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Rhododendron (plural: rhododendra)

What is This Place?

This website lists ~17,500 rhododendron species and cultivars with photos and information. This site is non-commercial and not owned by another organization. I built it for the benefit and enjoyment of others who share an interest in Rhododendrons.

With all this data in one place, it's possible to explore connections between plants, e.g. searching for: parents, siblings, children, and taxonomy. There are many more advanced search/visualization features to come. In addition to exploring data, this website contains ~15,000 pictures, many of which show details and plants available nowhere else.

This website seeks to continue the project started by the late, great, www.hirsutum.info. Though Hirsutum no longer exists, I am profoundly grateful to the developers and contributors for their hard work assembling photos and information. I built the code for Rhododendra from scratch, and used data from Hirsutum listed as "public domain" and the pictures contained therein (owned by their contributors). I hope that this website will one day become a worthy successor in continuing the work that Hirsutum started.

This website is still very early in its development - there's much more yet on the way! Stay tuned as functionality and data are regularly added.

Accuracy of Information:

There's a substantial amount of data on this site, and you may occasionally stumble on something that is wrong or outdated. I have a plan to fix it. In the meantime, you can cross-reference data from the top-notch resources in the Links section.

My plan for updating stale info is to build a system for public contribution that is vetted by a community of moderators. My goal is for this site to become a living thing, owned and updated by the community.

The Ever Growing To-Do List:

(Roughly ordered top to bottom)

Update Log:

(Newest First)


Through continued development, the purpose of this website is to become a successor to the late, great, www.hirsutum.info. We owe a debt of gratitude to Herman Van Ree, Marjo Schlenter, and to the Hirsutum contributors for over a decade of work, including data collection and assembly.

Special thanks to Sean Rafferty for his generosity, time, and wealth of advice. Sean first described www.hirsutum.info to me, its utility to the community, and it's unfortunate demise. That conversation became the origin of this project.

Thanks to Ken Webb, Tony & Caroline Marquardt, and the good folks of the Victoria Rhododendron Society for their generosity and assistance in the rhododendronization of my garden.

Technical Details: