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Subgenus: Rhododendron

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R. leucogigas


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. levinei


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. leytense var leytense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. leytense var loheri


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. liaoxigense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Micrantha

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R. liewianum

Natural Hybrid
R. rugosum var rugosum X R. stenophyllum

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. liliiflorum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. lindaueanum var bantaengense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Discovireya

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R. lindaueanum var lindaueanum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Discovireya

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R. lindleyi


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. lindleyi 'Dame Edith Sitwell'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1956

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. lindleyi 'Geordie Sherriff'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1969

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. lineare


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Malayovireya

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R. linearilobum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. loboense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lochiae


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lochiae 'Down Under'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Crown Estate Commissioners , Windsor, Berkshire , England, 1957

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lochmium

Natural Hybrid
R. trichanthum X R. davidsonianum

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. loerzingii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lompohense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. longiflorum var bancanum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. longiflorum var longiflorum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. longiflorum var longipetalum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. longiflorum var subcordatum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. longistylum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Tephroplepa

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R. loranthiflorum ssp lakekamuensis


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. loranthiflorum ssp loranthiflorum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lowii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. lowndesii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Lepidota

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R. ludlowii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Uniflora

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R. ludwigianum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. luhuoense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Pogonanthum

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R. lungchiense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Lapponica

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R. luraluense ssp luraluense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. luraluense ssp whitmorei


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. luteiflorum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Glauca

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R. luteiflorum 'Glen Cloy'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: unknown, 1966

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Glauca

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R. lutescens


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Bagshot Sands'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Stevenson, Mrs. R.M., 1958

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Berry's Bright Yellow'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Exbury Lutescens'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Rothschild, L. de , Founder of Exbury Gardens , UK, 1938

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Jill'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Fetterhoff, W.M. , Gibsonia, Pennsylvania , USA, 1974

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Jones' Lutescens'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lutescens 'Lois Jean'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Triflora

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R. lyi


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. lysolepis

Natural Hybrid
R. flavidum X R. impeditum

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Lapponica

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R. lysolepis 'Woodland Purple'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Lapponica

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R. macgregoriae


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. macrosiphon


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Vireya
Subsection: Euvireya

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R. maddenii ssp crassum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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R. maddenii ssp maddenii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Maddenia

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