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Taxonomy Search

Subsection: Edgeworthia

Pages of Results: 1

R. edgeworthii


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. edgeworthii 'Darjeeling Jewel'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. edgeworthii 'Kingdon-Ward Pink'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. edgeworthii 'Nick's Favorite'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Vaartnou, H., 1975

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. edgeworthii 'Red Collar'

Rhododendron Species Selection

Selected By: Unknown

Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. pendulum


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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R. seinghkuense


Subgenus: Rhododendron
Section: Rhododendron
Subsection: Edgeworthia

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