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Hybridizer Profile

Druecker, J.S.

Fort Bragg, CA, USA

Pages of Hybrids: 1

R. 'Fort Bragg Glow'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Ruby Bowman' X R. elliottii

Hybridized By: Druecker, J.S.. Fort Bragg, CA, USA, 1966

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R. 'Helen Druecker'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Betty Wormald' X R. elliottii

Hybridized By: Druecker, J.S.. Fort Bragg, CA, USA

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R. 'Jim Drewry'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Ruby Bowman' X R. elliottii

Hybridized By: Druecker, J.S.. Fort Bragg, CA, USA, 1969

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R. 'Stacia'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. fortunei ssp fortunei X R. 'Everestianum'

Hybridized By: Druecker, J.S.. Fort Bragg, CA, USA, 1952

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