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Hybridizer Profile

Smith, W. (gardener Earl of Liverpool)

Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, England

Pages of Hybrids: 1

R. 'Amabile Splendens'

Azalea Hybrid
? X ?

Hybridized By: Smith, W. (gardener Earl of Liverpool) | Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey | England, 1845

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R. 'Exquisetum'

Azalea Hybrid
R. indicum 'Iveryanum' X R. 'Criterion'

Hybridized By: Smith, W. (gardener Earl of Liverpool) | Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey | England

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R. 'Nobleanum Venustum'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. caucasicum X R. arboreum ssp arboreum

Hybridized By: Smith, W. (gardener Earl of Liverpool). Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, England, 1829

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R. 'Smithii Group'

Rhododendron Cultivar group
R. ponticum X R. arboreum ssp arboreum

Hybridized By: Smith, W. (gardener Earl of Liverpool). Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, England, 1830

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