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Hybridizer Profile

Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops

Boskoop, Netherlands

Pages of Hybrids: 1

R. 'Centennial Gold'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Goldkrone' X R. degronianum ssp yakushimanum

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1983

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R. 'Directeur Dorsman'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Wilgen's Ruby' X R. 'May Day'

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1970

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R. 'Don Giovanni'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. degronianum ssp yakushimanum X R. 'Mars'

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1968

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R. 'Idomeneo'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. degronianum ssp yakushimanum X R. 'Mars'

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1968

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R. 'Red Jack'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Wilgen's Ruby x May Day Group' X ?

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1975

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R. 'Red Torch'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Mars' X ?

Hybridized By: Research Station for Woody Nursery Crops. Boskoop, Netherlands, 1978

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