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Hybridizer Profile

Mossman, F. D.

Vancouver, Washington, USA

Pages of Hybrids: 1

R. 'Doris Mossman'

Vireya Hybrid
R. 'zoelleri x macgegoriae' X R. stenophyllum ssp stenophyllum

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D.. Vancouver, Washington, USA, 1985

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R. 'Double Parfait'

Azalea Hybrid
R. occidentale X R. occidentale 'Crescent City Double'

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D. | Vancouver, Washington | USA, 1972

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R. 'Fragrantem'

Vireya Hybrid
R. leucogigas X R. konori var phaeopeplum

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D.. Vancouver, Washington, USA, 1980

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R. 'Frank Mossman'

Azalea Hybrid
R. occidentale 'Leonard Frisbie' X R. occidentale

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D. | Vancouver, Washington | USA, 1977

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R. 'Maggie Brown'

Azalea Hybrid
R. 'Cecile' X R. occidentale 'Leonard Frisbie'

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D. | Vancouver, Washington | USA, 2008

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R. occidentale 'Leonard Frisbie'

Azalea Species Selection

Selected By: Mossman, F. D. , Vancouver, Washington , USA, 1968

Subgenus: Pentanthera
Section: Pentanthera
Subsection: Pentanthera

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R. 'Popeye'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'Lodauric Group' X R. 'Purple Splendour'

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D.. Vancouver, Washington, USA, 1988

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R. 'Taurus'

Rhododendron Hybrid
R. 'The Honourable Jean Marie de Montague' X R. strigillosum

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D.. Vancouver, Washington, USA, 1962

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R. 'Washington State Centennial'

Azalea Hybrid
R. 'occidentale x cumberlandense' X R. 'Santiam'

Hybridized By: Mossman, F. D. | Vancouver, Washington | USA, 1989

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